Michelle Williams WTC Report

Michelle Williams' 9/13/2001

received 9/13/2001

I dreamed of things exploding, coming down without noise, and filling the rooms around me. I dreamed of being called back for a Broadway show and the Statue of Liberty had been bombed and was in pieces in the room where the callback list was posted. I dreamed I talked to Wayne, who never called to find out if I am okay (have not spoken to him since Valentine's Day). I dreamed it was spring at the Carboro house in North Carolina. I dreamed that my room was filled with sleepy firefighters in full gear, sort of surrounding my bed and sitting on it and filling the room. When I was dreaming, I though they were tired. Maybe they were ghosts? I feel so guilty because I wasn't really organized last night, I was overwhelmed, and I remember now that this one station asked for coffee and milk and vitamins and I was representing the Salvation Army and a) had no idea where to get this stuff and b) went back and we had no coffee and milk at that time and I forgot to go back to the first station. I feel... ah, it doesn't matter. I am calling to find out if I have to work tonight. I feel like I might be ready tomorrow, but not tonight.
